Thursday, March 18, 2010

this morning's offering

Every single solitary morning #4 gives me fodder for this blog. Half the time I forget what it was by the time I get a moment to sit down at the computer. But today, my brain cell served me well:

"Mommy, I must be getting a cold, because I sound like someone else."


MaryPat said...

He's so cute! And as for brain cell, I think you have one more than I do...which leaves me with none.
*sits here drooling*

lizzerd said...

me too!

lizzerd said...

ok, the me too was not for mary pat (bad timing--i am sure you have more than one brain cell & i bet they even touch! haha) it was a me too as in, i sound like someone else, too. only, i sound like harvey fierstein. haha