Saturday, March 20, 2010

objects in mirror are not only closer than they appear, words appear backward

King discovered this morning that #4 (who had won a gumball machine recently by guessing how many gumballs were in it) had chewed nearly all of the gum within about a week. All. By. Himself. I wondered why he was so eager to get up to his bedroom and read after school.

(And all this time, I thought when I looked in the mirror, the word etched across my forehead was TOIDI)
So, we had the discussion (again) about how if you have to hide something, it should be a red flag to your conscience, a warning message from God - something to the effect of "Hey, buddy, cut it out. This is NOT good!" If you have to hide or sneak something, you should be alarmed.
I love a little play on words like this:
Little kids play Hide and Seek, which is a fun and innocuous pastime. Satan plays Hide and Sneak, which is a slippery slope and the tool with which he gets his hooks into you so that in the future, he can pull your strings when he has the whim to ruin your life.


vcrick said...


MJDMom said...

I like it...I am totally using it! Brilliant!