A quote from a Very. Holy. Man. A man I shall call Fr. Charlie (mostly because that's his name)
"Our love for others is made holy and fulfilled in our total love for God. If our love for God is not total, our love for others is diminished and incomplete."
Say that second sentence aloud to yourself: "If our love for God is not total, our love for others is diminished and incomplete."
A vast statement. True on so many different levels.
Is there someone who you have a diminished love for? A love that perhaps was once complete, but now is not?
What do you need to let go of (grudge) and what do you need to hold onto (Christ's mercy) in order to have a more total love for that person ....and thereby God?
We are called to be humble. Most of the time that's not going to be fun.. like shopping on Rodeo with a bottomless bank account. Especially in the case where we were
And we feel justified.
Holding onto grudges.
Waving our proud banners.
Stoically standing in the same room.
ignoring, refusing to forgive.
After all, they didn't apologize.
"I was right."
I suppose Christ could have felt like that.
Cause what did He ever do to deserve what He got?
What if you can't get into Heaven because of that one person
You gonna be ok with that?
A tough challenge~
Now say this out loud:
"I love God so much, that I am going to drop this grudge I have. I am going to forgive, even though I want to feed this anger. It is mine. It takes a lot of energy from me. I don't want to own it anymore. I will let it go. And in doing so, I can know what it feels like to love God with a total, holy, love."