Wednesday, November 9, 2011

re-entering the atmosphere

The following pictures are the result of a lot of hard work from a handful of people.  Being the co-chair of such a big event kept me from doing much else since the middle of June - such as blogging, laundry, spending time with my children.
Upside: I had this event completely covered in prayer and I was blessed to witness some pretty amazing moments where I KNOW the hand of the Lord was at work.  They say "God works in mysterious ways."  But sometimes He is downright in-your-face-obvious!

It was an amazing night and hopefully, after all the numbers are run, we will find that it brought in a lot of money for the school.  The proceeds from the Auction go straight toward tuition assistance.  Our family was the recipient of some of last year's Auction money when #2 was awarded a Leadership Scholarship.

"To whom much is given much is required." ... and that's why I said yes to do this thing two years in a row.

I'd love to see how successful it would be if everyone understood Luke 12:48.




Maria (also Bia) said...

hee-haw, mg ... everything was grand. the decorations, the planning, the programs, the auction itiems ... it was all very, very good and you should pat yourself on the back (or take a much needed vacation).


Anita said...

Well done! Along with Luke 12:48, here are two of my favorite, get it done quotes:
If you want something done, ask someone who is busy. The busy get busier.