Sunday, January 25, 2009

So, Obama is against the war and wants to end it A.S.A.P., but he is all for the killing of future Americans?

Do all that you can to stop F.O.C.A. from happening! Pray unceasingly.


Anonymous said...

i know it means "freedom of choice act." but (ironically), "foca" means "seal" in spanish, which got me to thinking. i bet these same folks would fight to keep people from clubbing baby seals, but jump to vote for allowing baby people to be clubbed, dissolved, stabbed, chopped up & sucked out, allowed to starve to death, etc.
hmm.....i never can remember is it spelled "hypocrisy?"

:o) mg said...

Yes, the same people who jumped on the "poor polar bear who is stuck on what's left of a melted iceburg bandwagon"... I consider them intellectually-challenged, as surely they didn't have the capacity to learn that polar bears can swim and often travel many miles to find food.