Wednesday, January 7, 2009

feeding the voyeuristic society monster - today's menu: teenagers

My daughter's friends (those with cell phones) are constantly taking pictures of themselves. I started noticing it a couple of years ago, silly poses *click *click. Very funny. (Secretly I am very glad my kids do not own phones!)
I opened a Facebook account recently and am noticing there that many people also have tons and tons of pictures of themselves, pictures with their friends, etc, etc. (Vanity, thy name is teenager!) The really troublesome thing to me is the way the girls are posing. Their heads are together and generally their tongues are sticking out (and NOT in a "nanny nanny boo boo" kind of way!!).

My head is spinning with questions (some brutal) I want to throw at these parents. So many that I can't even think about this anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have seen some of these pictures and it scares the bejezzas out of me. Do these parent have any idea of what their kids are doing?