Friday, January 2, 2009

three is enough

We reminded him before bed last night, "Now remember, brother isn't here, so in the morning, come to get mom or dad before you go downstairs."
We awoke to the hall light on and a confused 3 year old yelling for his brother.
"Come up here, honey," I said (cursing under my breath, because now the baby was also awake).

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. He comes up the stairs.

"Mommy. The TV won't work."

"OK, but do you remember that I told you to come to mommy and daddy's room before you went downstairs, since your brother isn't here to help you? We don't want you to go downstairs by yourself."

"But MOMMEEEE," he yells at full epiglottal. "I'm three enough to go downstairs by myself!!!"

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