Thursday, September 25, 2008

small reassurances

I have a sinking feeling that the state of the world is about to disintegrate swiftly at least for awhile, and in order to stay calm and not get caught up in the panic, I have decided to make a list of small ways in which I am reassured that "all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well". (The Eucharist, the Mass, etc. are givens. Constants. And go way beyond a list of things)
This is a list I am going to try to add to each day. Feel free to join me in sidestepping chaos and clinging to the little things that keep us going throughout each and every moment. Also, help me to remember that this is a list of non-material things which go mostly unnoticed so that I don't get too lofty.
  • clean sheets
  • the way the sunlight dances in a child's hair
  • giggles
  • laundry dried outside
  • seeing leaves fall from trees in Autumn
  • the sound of wind chimes from the distance
  • a genuine smile
  • birds playing in a puddle of water
  • having the kids and hubby home all at the same time

Oops, baby's awake..... more to follow as time permits.


Anonymous said...

-going to westglow with your mother & favorite sister
-new meds (yay!) (also probably why i am not freaked out about the "crisis")
-the smell of the air right before it rains
-crisp fall days, perfect for napping in a hammock in the sunshine
-a good workout
-a good meal (say, perhaps at westglow)
-laughing so hard your cheeks hurt (maybe after spewing water at your favorite sister)
-21 days
-not having to work in a sweat shop or selling things on the side of the road or digging through a grbage dump for your next meal (face it, no matter how bad things get, we're still better off than people in most other countries!)

chins up, things are not as bad as the news makes you think they are.
i love you!

Maria (also Bia) said...

-going on a bike ride along the canal
-an early morning cappuccino when everyone else is still asleep
-a hot bowl of soup when it's cold outside
-opening all the windows in the house to the cool autumn weather
-my little one telling me that I'm "his best friend"