Wednesday, June 25, 2008

my blood ran cold

My car (the big, honkin' SUV) has been making rattling noises which come from the front tire area for about 2 weeks. I just figured the thing had gotten out of balance. It seemed to have worsened and actually got really noisy. It would vibrate pretty bad at high speeds. Almost sounded like a flat tire. At one point recently (on the way to the beach) it actually skeered me. It sounded like the tire was going to fall off. I asked King to slow down, but he just poohed me and kept going. Quietly I asked God to send as many angels as were needed to get us there and back safely.
Fast forward to today. I finally got a free moment to go have things checked (balanced, rotated, etc).
Diagnosis: Cracked front hub assembly.
What exactly does that mean? I have no idea except that the tire dude showed me just how loose it was. With incredulous eyes and a serious, lowered, airy voice, said "Your wheel could come off!" That thing was barely hanging on. Not unlike a stubborn baby tooth held on only by the suction between the tooth and gum.
When I told him that it had been like that for about two weeks he just shook his head. Seeing his reaction sent ice cubes through my veins and I got a really sick headache.

Thanks be to God for that army of angels who kept us from dying on I-95!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

holy crap! that's scary! juan says if it is a 4x4, it will be expensive. he said he could fix it if you can wait a bit, but i told him y'all can't wait.