Thursday, October 11, 2007

so this is what "strung out" feels like

OK, after several days of making good use of my espresso maker, pushing myself to the limits, and a couple of really lousy (and very short) nights of sleep I have hit a brick wall. My mind is still wanting to go and do and be productive, but my body is slamming on the brakes to that plan.
I am thankful that the kids have a day off from school tomorrow. Not that it will be less work, really. Maybe it's just that there will be someone around to hear me complain!
And if I play my cards just right, I may even get a nap in! Muah ha ha ha.


Anonymous said...

i hope for your sanity's sake that you are able to get some good rest. heck, if not you only have to wait a week & we will get the rest we need/deserve! :D

Anonymous said...

Put down the expresso. LOL

Patti Doughty said...

You're brave. I'm not even willing to have real coffee first thing in the morning. I went decaf 11 years ago, while pregnant with my first, and have never successfully added it back in.

But I might be willing to try for a cup of coffee like the one you show on your salv-ation Post. Unfortunately, I end up being sleepless if I just THINK about a good cup of coffee - and forget about chocolate!