Monday, July 28, 2008

doc doc goose

Is it just me or do you feel like you are getting ready for a first date when it is time for your annual pap smear?
  • showered
  • underarms shaved
  • legs shaved
  • privates so clean you could ea...... er, nevermind, you get the idea.


Anonymous said...

Yep, that sounds about right. What I hate is that after you do all the prep work and then you are about to walk out the door, you have to go to the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

that's why we have baby wipes, m'dear! ;)
i figure that docs have seen it all, from good "landscaping" to nasty, bug-infested stinkholes (literally). so, i figure as long as i know i am clean, my own sense of vanity is eased.

:o) mg said...

That is EXACTLY what happens to me every time!

You outdid me on the graphics. From someone who thinks in Far Side cartoons, thanks a lot. NOT! LOL

Anonymous said...

Note to self....keep baby wipes around.

Anonymous said...

i can't live without them! i even clean with them in a pinch. one of these days i will write a book on the 1001 things you can do with baby wipes.