Friday, June 25, 2010


Each summer, the library has a Reading Program for kids aged 2-18. Four of my five children have kept track of their hours reading and got their prizes today (local eateries donated stuff like "free sandwich" or "free ice cream cone"). Yay them!

Also this summer they had a Reading Contest for adults. And I am proud to say that I also came back from our local branch with a prize: a green tote for all the books we check out! I was also entered in a bigger regional contest. Yay me!

Side note: while we were in the library, there was a ten minute cloudburst... so I guess you can say we've been reading up a storm!!


MaryPat said...

I like that you mention what you're reading because I'm terrible at picking books for myself--I choose mostly from suggestions

Anita said...

Kudos to the reading family!