Friday, February 26, 2010

and there was much rejoicing... well, after the gnashing of teeth

Due in part because I needed to, but fueled by the overwhelming desire to control it... after all, I don't have control over Any. Thing. Else. in my life right now... I cleaned out my closet and emptied two plastic bins which were crammed full of clothes.

There were seven plastic garbage bags in all, stuffed full of clothes that I am not going to get back into anytime soon (both are embarrassing facts). But, honestly, why can't someone wear them now rather than me h..h..h..hoarding them? I mean, who knows if the clothes will even be in style then?

I gotta tell you, even though it was tough, the therapeutic effects of de-cluttering is great!

1 comment:

lizzerd said...

woohoo!! wait, you don't have a closet....hehehe