Friday, December 18, 2009

a very good gift

Ok, so I had these two moles on my back that were itching like crazy lately. Both of them were in spots which were hard to reach, so I'd either get someone else to scratch my back or I'd grab the nearest tool and scratch them myself.
Recently, the pair of sewing scissors sort of scratched the bigger of the two and I finally decided I was just "done" with messing with them and I went to get them checked out.
After much anxiety and loss of sleep, just knowing I had skin cancer... they turned out to be a type of wart ('scuse me, I just puked on my keyboard) that people get when they are older. Turns out that my bra was irritating them as well, hence the itching.
The doctor asked if I'd like to have them frozen off. I resisted to use the word "hell", but gave a resounding "YES!"
Zip! Zip! and it was all taken care of. In ONE visit. Whew, Merry Christmas to me!

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