Monday, December 21, 2009

roundabout and roundabout and roundabout we go

Well, my kitchen is spotless all thanks to a wild boar.

Y'see, wha'ha happened wuz.... a friend of ours, a hunter, gave us a package of wild boar meat. Three packages of wild boar sausage and one package (6) chops. King used one of the packages of sausage at breakfast the other day. It was quite good, very lean. Not too gamey. I have never cooked pork chops, because I'm not a huge fan of pork. But our friend said it was easy, so I gave it a whirl.

The chops were beautiful. However, when they cooked.... my house took on a very very gamey + oily/fry smell. When I went upstairs to go to bed, the really really really gamey, oily/fry smell was up there, too. I could barely sleep. I don't do well with "stank" as I have quite the sensitive nose. (Put it this way, when I was pregnant with number 1, King and I were traveling to Florida and I told King that I smelled water.... half mile later we crossed over a creek.)

Ennyhoo.... long story short, this morning I awoke to find that the smell was still there. It started a cleaning spree... we washed cabinets, ceiling fans, floors, windows, stove top, counter tops. The kids vacuumed and mopped the whole downstairs.

King was planning on making a fruitcake this morning, but his plans were delayed just a wee bit. I just couldn't have him cooking in such a smelly kitchen, y'know?

Now it smells like fruitcake.

:/ Can't win for losing.


lizzerd said...

i feel your pain. i had gotten the kitchen & most of the house cleaned yesterday & sarah went & burned (i mean B-U-R-N-E-D) a bag of popcorn (it was still smoldering in the trash can & made that sizzling sound when i doused it with water (just in case). everything, clothes, etc smells like it now.

Maria (also Bia) said...

fruitcake...yes, that would definitely smell better.

blessings to you and your family, mg!
Bia & Co.

Perryn said...

good tip - next time you're cooking something pungent, light a candle - just a regular candle, nothing fancy. it'll mitigate the cooking odours.

Theresa M. said...

So, how did the chops taste? My father-in-law just killed a boar and we're about to get some meat but not to sure about how it's going to tast.

Patrick really enjoyed his time with #1 the other night!

:o) mg said...

welllllll... about the taste: did I mention how much better I liked it as sausage? Went quite well with scrambled eggs. Oh, and the chili isn't half bad either. I wasn't a fan of the chops... but then I don't care for regular pork chops either. I think a kielbasa option would be perfection.
ps- didn't know your f-i-l was a hunter.

Theresa said...

Oh Yes!! Him, Eric and now Kyle. My Patrick has big aspiration of being a hunter as well!