Thursday, December 10, 2009

it is finished

Closing my eyes to remember the memories I am most fond of
takes me to a place where there is a chill in the night air.
Pine trees all around, the smell of smoke from a raging camp fire.
I am wrapped in someone's loving arms, drowsily listening to the sounds of laughter.
Lanterns illuminate a card table with the merry Rook players.
You are there.

Next I am carried to the Innsbruck den where we have just played the Beatles "I Want to Hold Your Hand" 45 record for the millionth time. Giving our vocal cords a break, we stop long enough to drink down some world-famous chocolaty goodness.
You are there.

Sadly, I am transported to a memory that I am not so fond of.
My eyes are sore and swollen.
My whole world has been turned upside down.
I have just lost my father.
So many emotions.
I desperately need to be surrounded by people who can reassure me that everything will be ok.
You are there.

The happiest day of my life, I am marrying a man so wonderful that even my dreams could not have imagined anyone so good.
You are there.

Introducing my own children to my family. It is a proud moment to see your own children make people smile.
You are there.

There you are. You are part of my history. You knew me when I didn't know myself. You, along with the other laughing voices who played Rook by bright lanterns, the other people who helped comfort as we had to say goodbye to a loved one, the people who happily shared my wedding day, and the smiling faces of family watching my children play... all helped make up who I am. And who I will become.

Len, in these and so many ways, thank you for being there. Right there.

In loving memory of my uncle, Len, a devout Catholic, who passed away on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th, at 5:40 a.m. - the time when "Lin's coffee" was normally just finishing brewing.


Sandy said...

Sending hugs and prayers to you.

MaryPat said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I think your tribute is lovely.

:o) mg said...

When he turned 90 a couple of years ago, my sister arranged for all the cousins to write down their memories of him and she put them all into a neat book.
This was my submission.

Anita said...

Beautiful. Thank you. See you soon.

Sandy said...

What a wonderful idea.

Anonymous said...

What a treasure that book is, and your subimission is a great big GOLD COIN in that treasure chest. Beautiful.