Tuesday, October 28, 2008

you know it's a bad day when..

...you use the word "devoid" before 8 a.m.


Anonymous said...

I would like to know in what context that word was used. LOL

:o) mg said...

As in: the children were not listening to me (again) and to make myself crystal clear (whilst in the kitchen unloading/reloading the dishwasher that was supposed to have been done by a particular second-born son who shall remain nameless) I said, "someone please go into the dining room and make sure that the table is devoid of any dirty dishes." LOL

Anonymous said...

whew! i figured it was used in a similar scenario to the one in which it occurred to tell one of them (probably the aforementioned son, for the exact reason described) that he is devoid of any common sense.