Thursday, October 30, 2008

early voting.... it ain't for sissies

Well, although it took me three hours, my ballot has been cast. Now, if the polls have tumbleweeds and the sounds of crickets chirping on Tuesday, I am going to be quite peeved.

1 comment:

Perryn said...

hey m-g! i'm very proud of you for getting out there and exercising your democratic rights!!

regardless of who you voted for, the important thing is that you voted. given the state of the world at the moment, this election is going to be pretty crucial and everyone who is eligible to vote should do so and i hope you're gently encouraging everyone you know to follow your sterling lead!

in casting your ballot you have at the very least now earned the right to complain about whoever's going to be sitting in the oval office for the next 4 years!!

