Thursday, January 10, 2008


The 2 year old learned what "throwing up" is today. It's the end of the day and I have washed nearly every blanket and sheet in the house. The smell of bleach, pine sol, and Lysol permeates the air. Please, oh, please, oh please, Lord.... let this one pass me by.


Maria (also Bia) said...

Oh, I am so sorry that cute little two year old who is just so adorable is suffering from that nasty stomach bug! Poor little guy!

Hang in there, mg . . . surely SOME of your family will be spared!

Leah said...

Just a thought, sounds like y'all have had the stomach flu. Think about taking a homeopathic remedy called Gelsemium. It is specifically for that "throwing up, nausea, feverish, chills" of the stomach flu. You can usually find it at a health food store that sells homeopathic remedies.
Trust me, it works. When the symptoms return, just take another dose. You can even take a dose to keep the flu away if you've been exposed!