1. Black within and red without;
Four corners round about.
2. Little Nanny Etticoat
In a white petticoat,
And a red nose;
The longer she stands
The shorter she grows.
3. Old Mother Twitchett had but one eye,
And a long tail which she let fly;
And every time she went over a gap,
She left a bit of her tail in a trap.
4. Lives in winter,
Dies in summer,
And grows with its root upwards.
5. Flour of England, fruit of Spain,
Met together in a shower of rain;
Put in a bag tied round with a string,
If you'll tell me this riddle,
I'll give you a ring.
6. In marble walls as white as milk,
Lined with a skin as soft as silk,
Within a fountain crystal clear,
A golden apple doth appear.
No doors there are to this stronghold,
Yet thieves break in and steal the gold.
7. Thirty white horses upon a red hill,
Now they tramp, now they champ, now they stand still.
8. As I went through a garden gap,
Who should I meet but Dick Red-Cap!
A stick in his hand, a stone in his throat,
If you'll tell me this riddle,
I'll give you a groat.
9. As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives,
Every wife had seven sacks,
Every sack had seven cats,
Every cat had seven kits -
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?
10. What the heck is a groat?
1. chimney
2. candle
3. needle and thread
4. icicle
5. plum pudding
6. egg
7. your teeth
8. a cherry
9. one
10. fourpence (a former English silver coin worth four pennies)