Monday, November 23, 2009

coasting into a very thankful time

This year we are staying home for Thanksgiving. For that I am thankful. I do wish we could spend time with family, but everyone is scattered about the southeast and, for the most part, has plans to stick close to home. Everyone needs a bye year, right?

The thing that brings me close to tears because it will be so wonderful, is the relaxed do-what-you-want pace we are planning. King will be playing golf with a very good friend of his, our #2, and their #1. I will no doubt be sewing something and perhaps will venture out and "save money" by shopping on the most insane retail weekend of the year. But maybe not. I have only "done" the day after Thanksgiving sales once - last year. My partner in crime who talked me into climbing on the roller coaster ride that is Black Friday will be someplace way far away.. I think near where Dorothy and Toto live.

Here is just a handful of things for which we are thankful:
  • God's grace
  • family whose love is unconditional
  • friends (the family you would handpick if you could)
  • our health
  • the sheer beauty of God's design

May you be abundantly blessed by Him not only this time of year, but always.

Look at the beauty just outside our front door!


Unknown said...

Although I am abundently thankful for the Kentucky part of our wonderful family and enjoy very much spending time with them EVERY Thanksgiving...I am insanely jealous of you and your 'relaxed do-what-you-want-pace'!

lizzerd said...

i wish so badly that y'all were coming to mom's. i think mr & bob are not coming until saturday. juan won't be able to go because he will need to sleep all day thursday & has a very hard tie sleeping anywhere but his own wallow, i mean, bed.
i'm thankful for my fave sister & her adorable family!!!