Monday, February 23, 2009

marching on

In some aspects of parenting, the term "dismal failure" comes to mind; however, balancing things out a bit is number 5, who is having some great success on le toilette. She had made strides a few months ago, but "got better". (Reminds me of the quote from Monty Python's Holy Grail: "She turned me into a newt. I got better.") So, here we are again with the toilet training thing and it is cause for much celebration. Break out the "marcies"!

While most of the successes have been a result of my *ahem* paying attention to cues, last week I swear the heavens opened and angels were singing when I heard her small little voice from the couch where she was taking a little siesta, "Mommy. I go baffroom. Baffroom."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one who quoted Monty Python! Ahhh the joys of potty training. I miss it.....a little.:) Love your "tagged" list. Totally agree on the Cheetos, if you hold him down (lets face it no woman would've invented that crap) I'll wallop him and then you can have a turn :)
Catherine B.