Wednesday, November 19, 2008

working for marcies

Numero cinco is just starting to potty train. Lately, she has done "stinky" several times in le toilette because her mom has been alert enough to notice the "signs" that she needed to go. (Good mom!) But, today we turned a corner, she actually asked to go "tee tee" and held it until we got there.
I have stocked the cabinet with Smarties. She giggles whenever I get them down and tell her how proud I am that she went potty. The cutest thing about this whole potty training experience is that she calls her rewards "marcies".


Anonymous said...

what will you do with all that money you save on diapers? WOW!!!!

:o) mg said...

Fantasy answer: WESTGLOW
Realistic answer: feed my children

Anonymous said...

hahaha! yep, i know that feeling. the REAL reality is that the savings will get absorbed into other things you have to spend money on & you'll really never see a difference.
now, having 2 out of diapers so close together, you might notice it better than i did.