Sunday, January 3, 2010

well, there's a first time for everything, right?

Guess who got on a trampoline for the first time in her life?
I was just SURE that the neighbors had a video camera pointed my way, because I heard the laughter of two people from somewhere nearby. I was also sure that those same neighbors were going to be big winners if I came crashing through the middle, landing with a thud in a cloud of dust.
I was so scared. I kept asking Number 2 to check the WARNING LABELS for a weight limit. But, after all was said and done, I had actually worked enough nerve up to allow my feet (yes, both of them) to come up off the surface to the point that you could say I was airborne.
Let there be no doubt that it is a good workout. King says he read somewhere that it is a better workout than jogging. So, I'm thinking about adding it to my workout routine.

Besides, my neighbors need to remodel their kitchen.


MaryPat said...

you are hilarious! And way too hard on yourself....
I'm glad it was fun though-you are brave for doing it--I'm scared of those things. Then again I think I'm a fraidy cat in general. :)

lizzerd said...

gosh, i remember jumping on rackley's trampoline when we were kids. well, i was a kid, you were in high school as i recall. good times!

:o) mg said...

All I remember is the pool... don't think I jumped on their trampoline... besides, wasn't it halfway down their driveway or something?