Sunday, January 10, 2010

where have all the spoons gone?

The other day when I picked the kids up from school, they brought home more than just their backpacks. They brought excitement. They were so wound up about that night's possibility of snow (10%) that I didn't think I was going to be able to get them to do their homework.

Once home, while they were eating their snack, they were sharing each of the tidbits that they had learned from their friends that day. My favorite was "if you put your pj's on inside out and sleep with a spoon under your pillow it will snow".
"At Mass today, Fr. Mark told us that if we were going to pray for snow, to pray for a bunch," said number 3.

They hurried through their homework, ate their dinner, and nearly fell going upstairs to get their jammies on wrong. They laughed in surprise when even King came downstairs with inside-out pajamas. After we prayed and they said goodnight, taking their spoons with them, I remembered being that excited about snow. Getting to be out of school, even an hour or two delay, was so thrilling.

That child-like, magical wishing... something that just may come true.... the excitement is simply palpable.

When we awoke the next morning, each of us wanted to open the curtains and see a beautiful white blanket of snow on everything in the yard, our seams, spoons, and prayers defying the weatherman's percentages. Sadly, it did not snow, this time.

But then again, I forgot to turn my pj's inside out.


vcrick said...

See it was your fault. ha ha

lizzerd said...

it's all your fault!!!!!!! hahaha i have never heard that about the PJs & spoons. how crazy is that? haha
we had a 2 hour delay for "wet" roads.