Saturday, October 17, 2009

back in time

Today we went to an event that celebrated the 18th century: Colonial Times. We were only able to spend a couple of hours there and didn't see more than half of the exhibits. It continues tomorrow and I hope we get to go back, but if not, we will have something to look forward to next year. What fun it was to see these artisans sharing their crafts. So amazing! Most all were in period clothing (though I did see one 'colonial teen' texting someone!)

These ladies were showing the art of needlework. I asked the mom if it was ok if I took her picture and she said, "I'd be disappointed if you didn't... as hard as I'm working on this!"


This man's family has many generations of wood carvers. He had carved, from one piece of wood, a chain. Inside a block on the chain, he had carved a ball an inside the ball was another ball. I know I am not explaining it well, you'd have to see it to believe it.

In the picture on the left, he is demonstrating how he carves a ladle. In the picture on the right, number 4 can't tear himself away from these really cool buttons made from walnut shells. I'm telling you, this man is pure genius.


The man in black is teaching the man in green the art of sword-fighting.

And this, well, this is a simple pound cake, but the bundt pan mold was simply gorgeous. I'm thinking this would be pretty to serve at Thanksgiving. The silly food folks tried to get me to believe that a woman who made it was a cake carver. They nearly had me. (Did I mention I am a tad bit gullible?)

This is the palette and apron of an incredible artist. I thought it was as much art as her paintings.

This is a reproduction, printed on canvas, that I fell in love with. I think it will be stunning in my dining room.


Apparently the French lace guy was a riot. Perhaps we will see him tomorrow and I can give you the full report on him.


lizzerd said...

speaking of gullible, did you hear that they have changed the definition to "able to be eaten & digested by a seagull?" yeah, look it up if you don't believe me. hehehe ;) love you!

lizzerd said...

aw! love the 5 bun-buns, just like your kids.

Anita said...

I am loving that picture you got for your dining room. It will be great with the color of the wall. Also, you should print the picture of the artist and her hands and apron. It is a great photo and could be a place of inspiration. The way she has her hands folded looks like she is just waiting to create again.