Thursday, April 17, 2008

one of those days

Ugh... it's not even 2:30 and already it's been one of those days.
*To the toddler: "Come, on honey, try to make a stinky in the potty. I'll go pick out whatever color lollipop you want."
(put kid on toilet, then go check on baby)
*"Lovely, you've gotten into the Desitin. What is it about that stuff!?!?!"
(wipe up baby then off to check on the toddler's progress in the bathroom)
*"Doesn't work, huh? Well, just try to tell Mommy when you need to go."
(toddler runs off to play)
*Uh, oh, the baby has a dirty diaper.
*Egad! It's everywhere!
*oops, we're almost out of wipes.
(off to bathe the baby, re-dress the baby and back downstairs)
*To the toddler: "Why are you walking like tha...."
*Egad! It's everywhere!
(what in the world did these kids eat for dinner last night?!?!?!)
*Stupid #*&*#!*&@ empty box of wipes!
(off to bathe the toddler)
etc. etc. etc.


Maria (also Bia) said...

Oh, no! Sounds like you need a cappuccino . . . or a stiff drink?

Our little one just (barely) became potty trained right before our trip to Florida. That was my goal before the trip: to get him potty trained so I wouldn't have to pack diapers! And it was just lovely not having to bring the huggies, let me tell you!

Hope you're evening is better!

Anonymous said...

wow! you had a "crappy" day, huh? mine was bloggably bad, too!